Authentication bypass in phpBannerExchange
RedTeam identified two SQL injections in phpBannerExchange. It is possible to bypass user authentication with them.
- Product: phpBannerExchange
- Affected Versions: All versions up to phpBannerExchange 2.0 RC5
- Fixed Versions: 2.0 RC6
- Vulnerability Type: SQL injections
- Security-Risk: high
- Vendor-URL:
- Vendor-Status: informed, fixed version released
- Advisory-URL:
- Advisory-Status: public
- CVE: CVE-2006-3012
From the vendor’s homepage: phpBannerExchange is a PHP/mySQL script that allows virtually anyone with minimal knowledge of PHP, mySQL and web hosting to run their own banner exchange.
More Details
In file “client/stats.php” the variables $login and $pass are not sanitized at all.
42 $login=$_REQUEST['login'];
43 $pass=$_REQUEST['pass'];
If plaintext password are allowed ($usemd5 != “Y”), following SQL query is used:
59 $result = mysql_query("select * from banneruser where
login='$login' AND pass='$pass'");
By passing the special character “’” it is possible to alter the SQL query and bypass authentication.
A similar vulnerability exists in “admin/stats.php”:
49 $login=$_SESSION['login'];
50 $pass=$_SESSION['pass'];
54 $result = mysql_query("select * from banneradmin where
AND adminpass='$encpw'");
Proof of Concept
User login or administrator login: Use “‘or’’=’” for both login name and password. You will be authenticated as the first user/admin in the database.
Use PHP Magic Quotes.
Upgrade to version 2.0 RC6
Security Risk
The security risk is high because an attacker could gain access to an administrator account and view and alter the database and hereby compromise the whole application.
- 2006-06-09 Discovery of the problem
- 2006-06-10 Vendor is informed
- 2006-06-12 Vendor releases fixed version
- 2006-06-15 Advisory released
- 2009-05-08 Updated Advisory URL
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