Advisory: Awstats official workaround flaw RedTeam found a flaw in the official workaround for the remote command execution vulnerability in awstats discovered by iDefense. ### Details - Product: Awstats - Affected Version: \<= 6.2 - Immune Version: 6.3 - OS affected: all - Security-Risk: high - Remote-Exploit: yes - Vendor-URL: `` - Vendor-Status: informed - Advisory-URL: `` - Advisory-Status: public - CVE: GENERIC-MAP-NOMATCH (``) ### Introduction iDefense found a remote command execution vulnerability in awstats \<= 6.2, see CAN-2005-0116. The official awstats website tells users that they are safe from remote command execution if they set the variable \$!AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser to 0. This is not true, as the exploit can still be triggered. ### More Details In the variable \$configdir, which is used to exploit, can still be set remotely. Setting \$!AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser to 0 only removes the link to the button which can be used to trigger updates. The variable can still be assigned per GET request. ### Proof of Concept `http://path/to/awstats/;%20touch%20evilfile`; ### Workaround Use the workaround provided by iDefense. See their advisory for the original vulnerability. ### Fix Fixed in version 6.3. ### Security Risk High, as arbitrary commands can be executed on the vulnerable system. ### History - 2005-02-12 informed - 2005-02-12 CVE number requested - 2005-02-14 issue does not qualify for a CVE number. posted. - 2009-05-08 Updated Advisory URL ### RedTeam RedTeam is a penetration testing group working at the Laboratory for Dependable Distributed Systems at RWTH-Aachen University. You can find more information on the RedTeam Project at